Restoring Grassland Habitats and Dynamic Processes
We’re restoring grasslands across the Cumbria Connect area to boost biodiversity, bring back rare plants and capture more carbon.
Grasslands are key to supporting healthy soils, diverse plant life and ecosystem stability.
Expanding restored grassland areas
We’re monitoring the spread of grasslands across the project landscape to see how restored areas support biodiversity and improve the landscape.
Carbon Sequestration in restored Grasslands
To understand how restoration affects carbon capture, we’re testing four grassland restoration methods. Starting in 2024, a PhD student at Edge Hill University will track changes in plant composition, soil carbon and gas emissions across different treatments.
Establishing Downy Willow and Pyramidal Bugle populations
By planting and monitoring rare species like Downy Willow and Pyramidal Bugle, we’re creating more diverse resilient grasslands.